Ann Mueting, Ph.D.

(612) 305-1217
Ann is a founding shareholder of Mueting Raasch Group, which began in 1995. Ann is a registered patent attorney with more than 30 years of practice in the areas of patent prosecution, due diligence, and related opinion work with emphasis in chemical and biotechnology patent law. Ann has been a university faculty member and worked in both government and industry laboratories before attending law school. Ann has taught various practical patent prosecution classes, and has been an active member of many organizations, including the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) in various leadership positions. Ann is also a co-author of a Treatise on the AIA entitled PATENTS AFTER THE AIA: EVOLVING LAW AND PRACTICE (2015), and its associated guide entitled PRIOR ART AFTER THE AIA: A PRACTICAL GUIDE (2018).
- University of Minnesota Law School
- J.D.
- Honors: cum laude
- University of Minnesota
- Ph.D., Chemistry
- Creighton University
- M.S., Chemistry
- Creighton University
- B.S., Chemistry
- Honors: cum laude
- Minnesota
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- U.S. District Court, District of Minnesota
- Foundation for Advancement of Diversity IP Law, Trustee (2021-2023); Secretary (2022)
- American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA), President (2023-present), President-Elect (2022-2023; Member of Executive Committee (2020-present); Secretary (2019-2020); Member of Board of Directors (2001-2004); Committee on Legislation Chair and Vice Chair; Chemical Practice Committee Chair and Vice Chair; Public Appointments Committee Chair and Vice Chair; AMICUS Committee Member; Fellows Committee Member
- Minnesota Intellectual Property Law Association (MIPLA), Previous Treasurer
- Wishes & More (WAM), Minneapolis, MN, Member of Board of Directors (2016-present); Board Chair (2022-present); Board of Directors Secretary (2018-2018); Member of Advisory Board (2010-2015)
- TREATISE entitled PATENTS AFTER THE AIA: EVOLVING LAW AND PRACTICE, Bloomberg/BNA, Kasper, A.J., Pedersen, B.D., Mueting, A.M., Allen, G.D., and Stanton, B.R. (2015).
- PRIOR ART AFTER THE AIA: A PRACTICAL GUIDE, Bloomberg/BNA, Pedersen, B.D., Allen, G.D., Mueting, A.M., Stanton, B.R., and Kasper, A.J. (2018).
- Restriction Practice & Double Patenting, AIPLA Patent Prosecution Boot Camp, Denver, CO, February, 2018.
- Patents After the AIA: Evolving Law & Practice, AIPLA Patent Prosecution Boot Camp, Denver, CO, February, 2018.
- How Graceful Will a Harmonized Grace Period Be?, AIPLA Webinar, December, 2016.
- Patents After the AIA: Evolving Law & Practice Under Section 102, AIPLA Patent Prosecution Boot Camp, Arlington, VA, October, 2016.
- Patent Practice After the AIA: What Are You Doing Differently?, The 2016 Midwest IP Institute, Minneapolis, MN, September, 2016.
- Patents After the AIA: The Evolving Law and Practice, AIPLA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October, 2015.
- Inventorship, AIPLA Patent Prosecution Boot Camp, Los Angeles, CA, April, 2015.
- Anticipating Inherency Issues: To Recognize Or Not To Recognize . . . But . . . Where Does Enablement Fit In? Advanced Patent Practice CLE sponsored by the Minnesota State Bar Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February, 2004.
- Patent Preparation and Prosecution in View of the Federal Circuit Trends: Practice Considerations, The 2003 Midwest IP Institute, Minneapolis, MN, September, 2003.
- Tips for Practicing Under the AIPA, AIPLA Program on the American Inventors Protection Act, Washington, DC, July 2001.
- Defenses to Patent Infringement Based on Research Activities, AIPLA Advanced Biotechnology/Chemical Patent Practice Seminar, Washington, DC, New Orleans, LA, and San Francisco, CA, April-May-June, 2000.
- Your Invention: Where Did It Come From? Who Invented It? Who Owns It?, Association of University Technology Managers Central Regional Meeting, 1999.
- Drafting Claims in View of the Written Description and Enablement Requirements, AIPLA Annual Meeting, October, 1998.
- What Recent Judicial Decisions Teach Us About Chemical Patent Practice, Chemical Practice Committee Meeting, AIPLA Annual Meeting, October, 1997.
- Prior Art: Silent Time Bombs that Can Blow Away Your Licensing Deals, Journal of the Association of University Technology Managers, Vol. 8, p. 33 (1996), and in AUTM Educational Series, No. 2 (1997).
- Record or Repent: The Importance of Research Documentation, Association of University Technology Managers Central Regional Meeting, 1996.
- Novelty and Inventive Step: What Do They Really Mean? American Intellectual Property Law Society Basic Biotechnology/Chemical Patent Practice Seminar, Arlington, VA, Chicago, IL, San Francisco, CA, May-June, 1996.
- How to Keep Proper Laboratory Notebooks, Presentation at the Plenary Session on The Effect of Recent International Agreements on U.S. IP Practice at the American Intellectual Property Law Association Spring Meeting, 1995.
- GATT and the Changes to U.S. Patent Law: How to Keep Proper Laboratory Notebooks, Presentation at the Plenary Session of the American Intellectual Property Law Society Spring Meeting, 1995.
- Synthesis of Polyhydride Complexes, Inorg. Synth., 27, 22 (1990).
- Separation of Cationic Metal Cluster Compounds by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Inorg. Synth., 27, 948 (1988).
- Mixed-Metal-Gold Cluster Compounds Containing Primarily Phosphine Ligands, New Journal of Chemistry, 12, 505 (1988).
- Additional presentations and publications available upon request.
- Biotechnology
- Ceramics
- Chemical processes
- Chemical technology
- Inorganic chemistry
- Materials science
- Medical treatments
- Nucleic acids and sequencing
- Organic chemistry
- Peptide technologies
- Pharmaceuticals
- Polymers and coatings
- Semiconductor processes
- Small molecules
- Patent preparation and prosecution and related opinion work